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Early release prisoners could see cheap Blackpool accommodation as attractive

Blackpool Council chiefs have said should there be an influx, they have a “clear pathway” to deal with it.

September 29 2024, 07.00am

Fears have been raised the early release of hundreds of prisoners could lead to many heading for Blackpool attracted by cheap accommodation.

But council chiefs have said should there be an influx, they have a “clear pathway” to deal with it.

Earlier in September around 1,750 offenders were released early from their sentences under an emergency plan by the Ministry of Justice to ease overcrowding in jails. More prisoners are expected to be released early in October.

Coun Carl Mitchell warned a full meeting of Blackpool Council: “With three prisons within a 30-mile radius, with the belief of cheap accommodation, many of these could be heading to Blackpool.

“What are we doing about housing for people who come here and is anything planned to support the infrastructure which is already being stretched?”

Coun Jo Farrell, cabinet member for communities and wellbeing,  said measures were in place should a lot of former prisoners head to Blackpool.

She said: “I shared your concerns when I heard the news about prison leavers, but the numbers have not been coming to Blackpool.

“We have got a clear pathway for dealing with our prison leavers and the support they need. We have a housing duty to support the people that have a local need, but what we are doing is relocating the people who are turning up in Blackpool because we don’t have a housing duty to house them.”

The council has a duty to support people with a local connection, which includes having lived in Blackpool for three years. Those who do not have a local connection are helped to move back to their home towns.

Many people are attracted to Blackpool due to its cheaper cost of accommodation compared to other towns and cities.

Under the emergency plans announced in July, offenders in jails in England and Wales serving sentences of fewer than five years have been released on licence into the community after completing 40 per cent of their jail sentence, compared to the usual 50 per cent.

The scheme does not include those who have committed more serious offences involving violence and also excludes sex offenders and domestic abusers.

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