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Support Our Work

Help keep The Lead's journalism independent and ad-free through a regular or one-off contribution and by buying our (sustainably-made) merchandise.

May 14 2024, 14.24pm

The Lead is brought to you by a small, well-selected team of journalists chosen for their skills as much as their diverse life experience and perspective. 

Help keep our journalism independent and ad-free by clicking on the donate link below (opens a popup). You choose where your money goes.

You can also buy our merch here. Everything is made in a wind-powered factory on the Isle of Wight and can be sent back to be remilled and reused. A portion of all sales goes directly to our journalism. Thank you.

If you want to write for The Lead, please send your well-crafted pitches to [email protected]. A pitch guide is coming soon.



All items, including this FOI AND FIND OUT tee, are available here.