From TikTok to the Church of England, reparations talk is going deeper, wider - and more practical
My town just won Levelling Up money - but it'll go into building a "TV Production Village," even as hungry kids trudge to school in subzero temperatures. This isn't levelling up. This is Tory theatrics.
Serial rapist David Carrick told his victims that as a police officer, he can get away with anything. He was right. And he’s neither the first nor the last. It's high time to consider tearing down the system that enabled him.
Once upon a time, teaching offered social mobility, a great pension package, a chance to save for a house - and recognition and respect from the community. Today even writing this feels like a bit of a farce.
Why do the Tories insist on removing protections from children once they turn 16?
I am a paramedic. We just want to help, but years of underfunding, scandals, privatisation, Brexit and COVID leave us at the gates of hell.
Every year, young people working in Christmas retail are overworked, bullied and underpaid. I'm one of them.
The Jeremy Hunt cuts are less radical than those of the 2010's, but they accumulate on top of the original austerity drive - the prime engine of Britain's epic economic slowdown. Here is how we break the doom loop.
Scott Benton, Conservative MP for Blackpool South, said his constituents could “only dream” of being as “well-cared” for as detained asylum seekers. Have 12 years of Tory rule left his town that destitute? We went to find out.
Boris Johnson won in 2019 on a promise to end the devastation of the Cameron-Osborne austerity era. The newly unelected Hunt government has no moral or democratic claim to withhold even a penny of public finances.
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